Harmar to maintain Springdale Township road to help residents | TribLIVE.com

2022-09-23 22:58:41 By : Ms. Jenny Zhang

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Harmar supervisors approved an agreement allowing the township to permanently maintain a section of road in neighboring Springdale Township.

Under the memorandum of understanding, according to township engineer Matt Pitsch, Harmar will maintain Crone Hollow Road from its intersection with High Street in Springdale Township to the Harmar line.

As Pitsch explained, although that section of road is in Springdale Township, it has no residents living along it. As a result, it has not been a maintenance priority for Springdale Township and the road is deteriorating badly.

However, he said there are a handful of people living along Crone Hollow in Harmar who have no other access to their neighborhood.

Therefore, it’s critical to them that the road be cleared of snow and ice in the winter and repaired when needed. They appealed to Harmar supervisors to resolve the dilemma.

Pitsch said the ownership of the road actually lies with the Pennsylvania Game Commission. The section of road in Springdale Township is part of a tract of land deeded over to the commission by the previous, private owners.

The commission agreed to turn ownership of the Crone Hollow section over to Springdale Township if the maintenance situation could be hammered out with Harmar, Pitsch said. The memorandum, which Springdale Township already approved, according to Solicitor Craig Alexander, effectively accomplishes that.

“Ownership is still going to be Springdale Township, but the agreement is in perpetuity that Harmar will maintain it,” Pitsch said.

Harmar Supervisors Chairman Bob Seibert signed the agreement on behalf of the township. Alexander, who also is the solicitor for Springdale Township, said the township commissioners there likely will officially sign off on it at their meeting next week.

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